About Red Road Telecom
Red Road Telecom was founded in 2007 by David Rodman, a successful Big Island technology entrepreneur who started the first voicemail service on the Big Island in 1988, and the first Internet Service Provider here in 1994.
Our primary Network Operations Center is in Hilo. There we house our servers and high-capacity digital connections to the Internet, the telephone network, and our statewide private network. We have backup and adjunct network centers in Oregon and Los Angeles.
We have customers all over the Big Island, as well as on Oahu, Lana’i and Maui, and in several mainland states including California, North Dakota, and Oregon.
We want to be your business phone company!
Why “Red Road”? – a personal message from our founder
Red Road Telecom is designed to improve how people communicate with each other, by making the technology more transparent so that folks can concentrate more on what they’re saying and less on grappling with systems. It’s been my observation that when there is conflict among people, incomplete or misunderstood communication is very frequently at the heart of the problem, and the choice of technology can have quite an impact—one way or the other.
“The Red Road” is a spiritual practice—the Native American path. Traditionally we seem to resist the idea of mixing spirit and business. Looking at the atmosphere of religious intolerance and the unhealthy mix of government and religion that was prevalent in Europe during the formative years of our country and the ominous echoes we continue to witness today, it’s not hard to understand why Americans generally have a negative reaction to “spirit” and “business” in the same sentence. However, I think that what we need most right now is more spirit in the way we do business.
All I mean by “spirit” is the spark of life that lives within you. I’m not referring to any form of religion; I am saying that there is a mysterious swirl that connects all of us, that we come into each other’s spheres of influence in meaningful ways. You’re not a number in a spreadsheet, you’re an actual human being with a pulse and feelings and a sense of how you want your business to run, and how you want your relationships to be. So am I. If we can communicate with each other — especially when we have difficulties — then we can cooperate in accomplishing our goals much more effectively.
With Red Road Telecom I am starting from the beginning with the intention of honoring our relationships while at the same time making no compromise on the technical excellence of the service and the financial efficiency and success of the company. Our success is intertwined with yours, and my goal is for Red Road Telecom to be a positive influence on the success of all our families.